job scheduling with slurm
jump to
- what is slurm
- where to run things: file system
- a first simple example
- other examples using various slurm options
- main slurm commands
- srun to trouble-shoot issues
- example for a simulation study
in julia
- how to convert a slurm array ID to a combination of parameter values
slurm and the statistics HPC cluster
high performance computing cluster:
- 2 head nodes:
- 13 compute nodes (called
etc.), each with 24 CPUs * 2 hybrid threads = 48 threads each (sometimes people would say 48 “cores”) and more (GPU node, storage nodes) - a ton of memory
Instructions for our Stat department system (requires a netID). (see more general help here and older examples)
slurm: simple linux utility for resource management
- the CHTC on campus uses slurm too for their high performance cluster
- many universities are using slurm and have online user’s guides, but beware that many online examples are wrong or not adapted to our system.
- there are many different ways of doing the same thing
resource allocation is extremly important:
we need to know what our application needs,
e.g. whether it can use multiple threads, how long each task will take, etc.
note: R is not multi-threaded by itself
file system
AFS (Andrew File System) like
: great for backing-up data and to share files with colleagues, but slow (and with expiring authentication tokens): bad for running things on the cluster! -
NFS (Network File System) in
: do stuff here. All machines in the cluster have access to this directory. Software (R, julia, python) installed in/workspace/software
, install your own packages in/workspace/<username>/<dir>
and set permissions withchmod
simple test example
This slurm script, in file
, asks
to run the R script myRstuff.r
in batch mode:
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -J myjobname
#SBATCH -t 60:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000M
module load R/R-4.0.1
R CMD BATCH --nosave myRstuff.r
with no space between #
is not be interpreted as a comment, but as an option for slurm.
# SBATCH whatever
would be a comment, because of the space.
Here we asked for:
- a report by email when the job is finished: it might finish successfully, or not; the email will tell us.
- all information will refer to our job using the name
- 60 minutes to run the job (the job would be killed after 60 minutes
if it didn’t terminate before).
The longer we ask for, the more at the bottom of the queue our job will go. - 1000 MB = 1 gigabytes of memory. memory must be specified:
if not, it will default to 50 megabytes only,
and your job might take a lot longer than expected…
max is 2.6G/CPU (that’s what available per CPU under current configuration)
The module
line loads software that is properly installed for the cluster,
in /workspace/software/
(not on AFS in particular), and loads the correct
path to that software and its libraries.
If we wanted to run a python script, we would do
module load python/python3.6.7
for instance.
Do module avail
to see what modules are available.
To run the script:
examples with multiple CPUs or array of tasks
To launch a julia script that will itself use multiple CPUs,
we should tell slurm to allocate multiple CPUs (=threads here) for
our 1 julia job. Our file
would look like this:
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -J myjobname
#SBATCH -t 7:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 # same as: -c 8
#SBATCH -p long
julia -p 8 myJuliastuff.jl # this is 1 task
new option here: --cpus-per-task=8
or simply -c 8
. default: 1 CPU per task
For julia (and most applications): all these 8 requested CPUs need to be on
the same node (same machine) because they need to share memory and
communicate with each other.
Each of the 13 nodes has 48 CPUs, so -c 48
is the max we should ask for.
The more we ask for, the more difficult it will be to get
many CPUs available all on the same node and at the same time.
another new option above: -p long
to ask for the “long” partition of the cluster.
Nodes (machines) are divided into various partitions,
each with its own configuration: to allow different priorities of users;
see more with sinfo
by default, if we didn’t specify a partition,
our job would go in the debug
other example to run an array of jobs:
the following slurm script, in file
asks for a pair of echo
commands to be run 10 times:
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -J echo
#SBATCH -t 1:00 # 1 minute max here: because super simple "echo"s
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1M # only 1M: super simple "echo"s
#SBATCH --array=0-9
#SBATCH -o screen/echo_%a.log
# launch the "echo" script
echo "slurm task ID = $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"
echo "today is $(date)" > output/echo_$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.out
The key line that makes 10 repeats is #SBATCH --array=0-9
This line also creates a shell variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
which is used as we would any other shell variable.
The first echo
command produces standard output written to
a file screen/echo_?.log
The second echo
produces an output file output/echo_?.out
Slurm is asked to capture the screen output to screen/echo_*.log
so we need to create the screen/
directory prior to running the script.
Also, for the second echo
command to run successfully, we need to create
the directory output/
prior to running the slurm script.
When we use a slurm array with --array=0-9
it’s like if we hit sbatch
10 times:
each iteration of the each array is a single job (single task);
although we’ll get only 1 email in the end.
With -c 8
, each individual iteration would get 8 cores.
We do not need this for our simple echo commands: each one is 1 task
and will be allocated its own CPU.
But we would need -c 8
if our job did
julia -p 8 myJuliastuff.jl
instead of our simple echo
To run the script, again:
for more on resource allocations, such as node/task/CPU/core/threads, or number of tasks and number of CPUs per tasks: read this.
main slurm commands
submits a batch script to the scheduler (shown earlier)
displays current “partitions” and idle, busy, down, up states.
partition = group of computers
- “debug” partition (default): 2 hours limit
- “short” partition: 4 days limit (this is quite long actually!)
- “long” partition: 8 days limit
- other partitions listed for various other research groups or resource levels
$ sinfo
debug* up 2:00:00 1 idle marzano01 # idle: all cores available
short up 4-00:00:00 3 mix marzano[02-04] # mix: some jobs are running
long up 8-00:00:00 9 mix marzano[05-13]
gpu up 14-00:00:0 1 idle gpu02
hipri up 5-00:00:00 12 mix marzano[02-13] # high priority: won't be nice to others
displays jobs currently running or queued
squeue -u username
for your own jobs only
$ squeue
1002004 debug elnet1 saeid PD 0:00 1 (PartitionTimeLimit) # PD = pending: waiting for resources
1375816_[1-3] debug combined smin PD 0:00 1 (DependencyNeverSatisfied)
1375817 debug answer_a smin PD 0:00 1 (Dependency)
1519371_[73-666] short 0.003 shengw PD 0:00 1 (Resources)
1519409_[1-666] long 0.05 shengw PD 0:00 1 (Priority) # has priority over other jobs
1477676_27 long ppr fanchen R 1-19:12:02 1 marzano05 # R = running
1517717_460 long iGP tzuhung R 2:28:58 1 marzano10
1517717_462 long iGP tzuhung R 2:25:09 1 marzano11
1517717_503 long iGP tzuhung R 33:06 1 marzano09
1519371_72 short 0.003 shengw R 38:47 1 marzano03
1519371_38 short 0.003 shengw R 58:37 1 marzano04
1519371_37 short 0.003 shengw R 58:54 1 marzano04
to see info on currently running jobs
useful too, to get precise information about specific jobs
to cancel a submission
$ sbatch # submits something
$ squeue # we see this 'something' is running
7347 short submit.s mikec R 0:06 1 marzano05
$ scontrol show job 7347
(a lot of information)
$ scancel 7347 # to kill the submitted something
$ squeue # the job should be gone: no output here
or sacct -u username
: (account) displays the user’s jobs, cores used,
run states,
even after the jobs have finished
$ sacct -u mikec
JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
6813933 bash debug mikec 8 COMPLETED 0:0
6813934 submit_ho+ debug mikec 4 COMPLETED 0:0
6813934.bat+ batch mikec 4 COMPLETED 0:0
Other notes:
- QOS = quality of service.
max of 24 CPUs used at one time. “normal” would not be high priority. - if the task spawns more processes
(e.g. Python script that runs IQ-TREE using multiple cores):
slurm does not know about that, so it’s important to allocate
the appropriate number of cores with
#SBATCH -c xxx
- in the slurm script, it can be handy to redefine your home with
export HOME=/workspace/username
. <!– - to use your preferred editor (e.g. VS Code) on the remote server: try sshfs (links for Ubuntu or Mac) or: –>
srun: to diagnose issues
how do I know that my job has the resources it need? why is my job failing?
- start small, check email report for how much memory was used
- use
to trouble-shoot interactively
is the command-line version of sbatch <submit-file-name>
, but might
need to wait and sit without being able to close the laptop, to actually run
a job.
“SBATCH” options go on the srun
command line.
below: we simply run bash
, hopefully on the same machine as the job
we are trying to trouble-shoot:
srun --pty /bin/bash # start interactive session: will put me on some (unpredicted) node
hostname # to see where I landed
top # to check jobs on the machine where I happened to land
# ... things to see what's going on with our jobs on that machine
printenv | grep SLURM # environment variables not defined under submit node
= pseudo terminal
prints the environment variables:
regular environment variables plus all others set by slurm,
Alternative to above, to see variables defined
by slurm when a submit script is run: srun --pty printenv
another example to get an interactive session with 8 cores, 1G memory per CPU:
srun --pty -c 8 --mem-per-cpu=1000M /bin/bash
example to run a bunch of julia scripts
General guideline: start simple with 1 task, 1 process, 1 job. expand from there.
Below: we want to run a julia script
many times (e.g. 240 times or 2400 times),
each time with a different set of parameters.
The main section of the julia script does this:
# parse the integer argument
@assert length(ARGS)>0 "need 1 parameters: arrayID"
arrayID = parse(Int, ARGS[1])
# ... function definitions ...
rep, samplesize, nrarecat, mu = arrayID_to_parameters(arrayID, Nreps)
# ...
# run simulation. use arrayID as seed: will be different for each replicate
pearson, gstat, p_pearson, p_gstat = onesimulation(samplesize, nrarecat, mu, arrayID)
# save the result in tiny csv-formatted file
# (later, all these files will be concatenated with "cat")
outputfile = joinpath(resultdirectory, "simulation_" * @sprintf("%04d", arrayID) * ".csv")
open(outputfile, "w") do g
write(g, "$arrayID,$rep,$samplesize,$nrarecat,$mu,") # input
write(g, "$pearson,$gstat,$p_pearson,$p_gstat\n") # output
To start simple:
- We check that the julia script runs without error once, with 1 set of parameters, without using slurm. If necessary, run a slightly modified script to make it run fast.
- To check that the slurm submission works: the slurm (or “submit”) script or the main julia script is modified so that it does not run the time-consuming command, but only prints this command as a string. Writing this string to the intended output file also checks that output files are writable with correct path etc.
- Finally: modify the submit script or the julia script to its final version to run the main time-consuming command, not just print it.
The example below shows steps 1 and 2.
Save the following script in file
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -t 2:00 # we should need way less than 2 min per task
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100M # probably much more than needed: adjust after small trials
#SBATCH -o simresults/simulation_%a.log
#SBATCH -J sims
#SBATCH --array=1-240 # --array=1-2 for short trial
#SBATCH -p short
# warning: onesimulation.jl (below) and the -o option (above) assume that
# simresults/ has already been created
# use Julia packages in /worskpace/, not defaults in ~/.julia/ (on AFS):
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="/workspace/ane/.julia"
echo "slurm task ID = $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"
# launch Julia script, using Julia in /workspace/ and with full paths:
/workspace/software/julia-1.5.1/bin/julia /workspace/ane/st679simulations/onesimulation.jl $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID 20
It will run the julia script onesimulation.jl
(last line) 240 times (from #SBATCH --array=1-240
The julia script gets 2 arguments: the value of SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
and the number of replicates per parameter combination.
Julia will use the first integer argument to set an array of parameter values.
- copy the input file, julia file, submit file etc to the slurm server:
scp onesimulation.jl
to lunchbox and go to your folder in/workspace/<username>/xxx
make sure all the packages are installed in the non-default “depot”, that is, in
: doexport JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="/workspace/ane/.julia"
, launch/workspace/software/julia-1.0.1/bin/julia
and within julia:using Pkg; Pkg.add("Distributions")
thenusing Distributions
to precompile the package, and simply quit julia. - step1 : check that the julia script is working by running it once, with arguments that make it run fast:
export JULIA_PKGDIR="/workspace/ane/.julia"
/workspace/software/julia-1.5.1/bin/julia onesimulation.jl 14 2
run slurm quickly (step 2)
- run the slurm script for a few trials only, to run the julia script
2 times only (not 240 times yet) by editing to
#SBATCH --array=3-4
and make slurmecho
the julia command, not run it. After editing the slutm submit script, run it:
- if all goes well, edit the submit script again to execute the julia command, not just echo it, then run again; but still for 3 trials only.
- look at the email report, and memory efficiency: adjust memory requirement accordingly. ideal: a bit below 100% efficiency
- monitor the jobs for these first few trials, predict the running time for the full 240 julia runs.
Here is an example email from a small run with --array=3-4
Job ID: 1519914
Array Job ID: 1519914_4
Cluster: marzano
User/Group: ane/ane
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Cores: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:01:38
CPU Efficiency: 70.00% of 00:02:20 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:02:20
Memory Utilized: 44.01 MB
Memory Efficiency: 88.02% of 50.00 MB
based on this report: change slurm options to use a max of 15 minutes only and bump memory usage to 70MB perhaps (instead of the default 50M) for safety:
#SBATCH -t 15:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=70M
run slurm for the full simulation (step 3)
edit the script again to #SBATCH --array=1-240
run the full array of 240 jobs, and submit like in step 2 above:
wc simresults/*.csv # to check progress in output files
wc simresults/*.log # to check for any error message by slurm
converting a slurm array ID to a combination of parameters
The julia script above converts the slurm array ID (between 1-240) to a combination
of parameters. This is done in the function arrayID_to_parameters
(check it out!). The gist is to use a CartesianIndex
to map linear integers
to coordinates (or indices) in a matrix or in a higher dimentional array.
Below is a simple example (with 1 less dimension than in the simulation file) with 3 parameters of interest, taking between 2 or 3 values each, for a total of 3×2×2 = 12 combinations. A linear ID for parameter combinations would run from 1 to 12. But what does combination 10 correspond to, for example?
julia> mus = [0.1, 1., 2.]; # parameters of interest: 3 values for mu
julia> samplesizes = [30, 1000]; # 2 values for samplesize
julia> nrarecats = [1, 2]; # 2 values for nrarecats
julia> indices = CartesianIndices( (3,2,2) ) # like a 3-dimensional array
3×2×2 CartesianIndices ...
[:, :, 1] =
CartesianIndex(1, 1, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2, 1)
CartesianIndex(2, 1, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2, 1)
CartesianIndex(3, 1, 1) CartesianIndex(3, 2, 1)
[:, :, 2] =
CartesianIndex(1, 1, 2) CartesianIndex(1, 2, 2)
CartesianIndex(2, 1, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 2, 2)
CartesianIndex(3, 1, 2) CartesianIndex(3, 2, 2)
julia> for i in 1:6
@show i, indices[i]
(i, indices[i]) = (1, CartesianIndex(1, 1, 1))
(i, indices[i]) = (2, CartesianIndex(2, 1, 1))
(i, indices[i]) = (3, CartesianIndex(3, 1, 1))
(i, indices[i]) = (4, CartesianIndex(1, 2, 1))
(i, indices[i]) = (5, CartesianIndex(2, 2, 1))
(i, indices[i]) = (6, CartesianIndex(3, 2, 1))
julia> A = reshape(112:-1:101, (3,2,2))
3×2×2 ...
[:, :, 1] =
112 109
111 108
110 107
[:, :, 2] =
106 103
105 102
104 101
julia> for i in 1:6
println("A[indices[$i]] = $(A[indices[i]])")
A[indices[1]] = 112
A[indices[2]] = 111
A[indices[3]] = 110
A[indices[4]] = 109
A[indices[5]] = 108
A[indices[6]] = 107
julia> A[10]
julia> A[1,2,2]
julia> indices[10]
CartesianIndex(1, 2, 2)
julia> indices[10].I
(1, 2, 2)
julia> mus[indices[10].I[1]] # combination 10, parameter 'mu'
julia> samplesizes[indices[10].I[2]] # combination 10, parameter 'samplesize'
julia> nrarecats[indices[10].I[3]] # combination 10, parameter 'nrarecat'