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parallel computing can mean 2 things:

  • distributed computing: separate memory domains (safe), using multiple cores on same machine or on different machines
  • multi-threading: multiple cores on the same machine, all sharing memory (unsafe?!). typically more complex to use.

In Julia, multi-threading is much more recent.

distributed computing

  • run things on multiple processes, separate memory domains
  • process providing the interactive prompt: id 1
  • “workers”: processes used for parallel operations
  • if only 1 process: process 1 = worker
    otherwise, workers = all processes other than 1

to tell julia to use n = 4 worker processes on the local machine:

using Distributed

or: start julia with option -p n, e.g. julia -p 4
and then we don’t need to do using Distributed.
typically n = number of CPU threads, or logical cores

let’s check our workers and give them some work:

remotecall_fetch(() -> myid(), 3)
pmap(i -> println("I'm worker $(myid()), working on i=$i"), 1:10)
@sync @distributed for i in 1:10
  println("I'm worker $(myid()), working on i=$i")

pmap is to be preferred when each operation is not very fast,
@distributed for is better when each operation is very fast

issue: each worker has its own memory domain, for safety

a = Array{Int}(undef, 10)
@sync @distributed for i in 1:10
  println("working on i=$i")
  a[i] = i^2

nothing changed in a!! a is made available to each worker, but it’s basically for “reading” because a whole copy of a is sent to the memory space of each worker.

functions are not sent to each worker, though:

printsquare(i) = println("working on i=$i: its square it $(i^2)")
@sync @distributed for i in 1:10
  printsquare(i) # error

for this to work, we need to export functions and packages @everywhere:

@everywhere printsquare(i) = println("working on i=$i: its square it $(i^2)")
@sync @distributed for i in 1:10

Warning 1 worker ≠ 1 CPU core or thread: if we ask for 50 processors and our machine only has 8, we will see that we have 50 workers, but several workers will be sharing the same CPU (but different memory domains). It will slow us down compared to asking for 8 workers only.

simulation example

real example, more complex to show how to

  • use packages and extra functions
  • non-standard environment
  • shared arrays to let workers share common memory
  • simulate from various distributions
  • do probability calculations (tail probability for p-value)
  • run code that’s in a file

copy the chunk below to a new file, say runsimulations.jl, or download it with more documentation

@everywhere begin
  using Distributions
  using SharedArrays

@everywhere function onesimulation(N,nrarecat,mu)
  p = mu/N
  @assert p>=0.0 && p<=0.5 "the rare category/ies cannot have a negative or >.5 probability"
  if nrarecat==1
    probs = [p,(1.0-p)/2,(1.0-p)/2]
    @assert p<=1.0
    probs = [p, p, (1.0-2p)]
  df = 2 # because 3 categories
  observed = rand(Multinomial(N,probs), 1) # 3x1 array
  phat = observed./N # estimated probabilities of the 3 categories
  pearson = N * sum((phat - probs).^2 ./probs)
  Qlog = 0.0
  for i in 1:3
    if observed[i] == 0 continue; end # no need to do xxx / log(0) = 0.0
    ratio = phat[i]/probs[i]
    ratio  1.0 || continue
    dev = ratio - 1.0 # deviation on ratio scale
    # if ratio ≈ 1 then dev/log(ratio) ≈ 1, but NaN if ratio = 1 exactly
    Qlog += probs[i] * dev^2 / log(ratio)
  Qlog *= 2N
  # cdf = cumulative distribution function: P(random value <= x)
  # ccdf = complementary cdf:               P(random value >  x)
  p_pearson = ccdf(Chisq(df), pearson)
  p_Qlog    = ccdf(Chisq(df), Qlog)
  return pearson,Qlog, p_pearson,p_Qlog

nreps = 200 # start with nreps=2 only
samplesizes = [30, 100, 1000]
nrarecats = [1, 2]
mus = [0.1, 1., 2.]

Nssize    = length(samplesizes)
Nnrarecat = length(nrarecats)
Nmu       = length(mus)

ntotal = nreps * Nssize * Nnrarecat * Nmu

samplesize = SharedArray(repeat(samplesizes, inner = nreps, outer = Nnrarecat * Nmu))
nrarecat = SharedArray(repeat(nrarecats,     inner = nreps * Nssize, outer = Nmu))
mu = SharedArray(repeat(mus,                 inner = nreps * Nssize * Nnrarecat))
# hcat(samplesize, nrarecat, mu) # to double-check, when nreps=2

pearson   = SharedArray{Float64}(ntotal)
qlog      = SharedArray{Float64}(ntotal)
p_pearson = SharedArray{Float64}(ntotal)
p_qlog    = SharedArray{Float64}(ntotal)

@sync @distributed for i in 1:ntotal
  res = onesimulation(samplesize[i], nrarecat[i], mu[i])
  #@show samplesize[i], nrarecat[i], mu[i] # when nreps = 2
  pearson[i], qlog[i], p_pearson[i], p_qlog[i] = res

# save results, to analyze later interactively
using DataFrames
using CSV
df = DataFrame(
  samplesize = samplesize,
  numrarecategories = nrarecat,
  numrareexpected = mu,
  pearson = pearson,
  qlog = qlog,
  pval_pearson = p_pearson,
  pval_qlog = p_qlog
CSV.write("runsimulations_$(nreps)replicates.csv", df)

Run this code by starting julia with multiple cores, say julia -p 4 and then:


You may get an error if the necessary packages have been defined in a non-default environment: workers would complain that they don’t know about packages they are supposed to use.
The easiest way to give the environment to workers is the following: define a shell variable JULIA_PROJECT, to be the path to your environment (that is, path to the folder with the appropriate Project.toml and Manifest.toml.) Re-using an environment used earlier in this course:

export JULIA_PROJECT="~/Documents/private/st679/julia" # adapt this for you
julia -p 4
julia> include("runsimulations.jl")

then look at simulation results:

hcat(pearson, qlog)

combine(groupby(df, [:numrarecategories, :numrareexpected]),
  :pval_pearson => (x -> mean(x .< .05)) => :pearson,
  :pval_qlog    => (x -> mean(x .< .05)) => :qlog)

quantile(p_pearson, 0.05)
quantile(p_qlog, 0.05)

using RCall
@rlibrary ggplot2
ggplot(df, aes(x=:pval_pearson)) + geom_histogram() +
ggplot(df, aes(x=:pval_qlog))    + geom_histogram() +

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