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  • help mode: type “?” in the REPL. goes back to julian mode right after, or press backspace.
  • shell mode: type “;”. goes back to julian mode right after (or press backspace)
  • package mode: type “]”; press backspace to go back to julian mode
  • R mode (kinda): type “$”, using RCall package. backspace to go back to julia mode.

many key bindings e.g. arrows for history, start a command then arrows for historical commands starting the same way, ^D to exit.


  • Bool: true and false
  • String (double quotes) and Char (single quotes)
  • floating point numbers: Float16, Float32, Float64; Float depends on the machine
  • integers: Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128; Int depends on the machine
  • unsigned (positive) integers: UInt8 etc.
  • arrays: somewhat like lists in Python
  • tuples: like in Python, e.g. (3,) or (3,"hohoho")
  • Vector (Matrix): shortcut for 1-dimensional (2-dimensional) array
  • dictionaries: Dict
a=[10,6,3,2] # Array{Int64,1}: 1-dimensional array, contains Int64 values
push!(a,5.0) # converted 5.0 to Int to maintain type of "a"
push!(a,5.1) # error
convert(Array{Float64,1}, a) # new object
b = [1,6,3.0,2] # Array{Float64,1}: 1-dimensional, values converted to Float64
push!(b,5.1) # no problem
push!(b, "hello") # error
c = ["hello", 3, "world", 5.1] # Array{Any,1}: contains anything possible
d = [1 2 3; 6 7 8] # 2-dimensional array, 2*3. note syntax
h = Dict("blue"=>10, "green"=>20)

julia is 1-indexed (unlike Python, like R)
convention: functions with a bang ! modify one or more of their arguments. Respect it when you define your own functions!

b = [1,6,3,2]; # ; suppresses screen output
sort!(b) # same return value
pop!(b) # no pop() function

how to initialize arrays:

Vector{Float64}(undef, 3) # uninitialized
Vector{Union{Missing, Int}}(missing, 3)
Array{Float64}(undef, 3)  # uninitialized
a = Array{Int8,2}(undef, 3,4) # 2-dimensional array: 3x4
similar(a) # uninitialized
zeros(3) # Float by default

see limits here and mind them, because potential errors otherwise:

x=2^63-1 # upper limit for Int64: 1 bit for sign and 63 bits of 1
x*2      # wrong! overflow

(im)mutable types

mutable: arrays
immutable: numbers, tuples, strings

abstract types

abstract types are used to define broader classes, see this figure from here:

Int64 <: Integer # Int64 is concrete, Integer is abstract: no object of type Integer per se
Float32 <: AbstractFloat
Integer <: Number
isa(3, Int)
isa(3, Integer)
isa(3, Float64)
isa(3, AbstractFloat)
isa(3, Number)

any object must have a concrete type

compiled just-in-time (JIT)

function addone(x)
  return x+1

addone(x) = x+1 # one-line form

let’s use this function on various inputs:

addone(3)   # compiles addone for Int argument
addone(7)   # re-use compiled addone(Int)
addone(7.2) # compiles a different version for Float64 arguments
code_llvm(addone, (Int,)) # inspect generated code
code_llvm(addone, (Float64,))
code_native(addone, (Int,))
code_native(addone, (Float64,))

to vectorize a function: add a . just before the opening parenthesis, or just before the symbol for + etc.:

addone.([1 2; 6 7])
[1,5,9] .+ 3
log.(10,[1,2.71,10]) # 10 recycled: all logs in base 10
log.([2,10], [4,10])

multiple dispatch

Julia is quasi-object-oriented:

  • new types can be defined
  • types have fields
  • but types do not have methods: functions have multiple methods instead

Julia uses the type of the arguments to infer which method to run: multiple dispatch

  • more flexible: dispatches based on all arguments, not just the first
  • makes it really fast
  • rare need to declare input types:
add1(x::Integer) = x+1 # for Int64, Int32, Int8, UInt8, Bool, etc.
add1(x::AbstractFloat) = x + 1.0 # for Float64, Float32, etc.
add1(3.5) # dispatched to add1(::AbstractFloat)
add1(1)   # dispatched to add1(::Integer)
add1([1 2; 6 7])  # error: an Array is neither AbstractFloat nor Integer
add1.([1 2; 6 7]) # vectorized. each one dispatched to add1(::Integer)

better and no penalty because different compiled versions for different input types anyway:

function addone(x) # no type declaration. re-defining
  return x+one(x)  # one(x) = identity element for * of same type as x
code_llvm(addone, (Int,))
code_llvm(addone, (Float64,))
addone([1 1; 1 1])  # matrix-wise operation
addone.([1 1; 1 1]) # element-wise operation

addone(x::String) = x * " one"
methods(addone) # 2 methods now
"take" * one("take")  # the go-to method is not used
one("take") # identity for * on strings is empty string "", not "one"

awesome example of using multiple dispatch with custom types here with code reprocuded below –but click the link for an excellent dissection of the code.
note: complete absence of any if to play rock-paper-scisors.

abstract type Shape end
struct Rock     <: Shape end
struct Paper    <: Shape end
struct Scissors <: Shape end
play(::Type{Paper}, ::Type{Rock})     = "Paper wins"
play(::Type{Paper}, ::Type{Scissors}) = "Scissors wins"
play(::Type{Rock},  ::Type{Scissors}) = "Rock wins"
play(::Type{T},     ::Type{T}) where {T<: Shape} = "Tie, try again"
play(a::Type{<:Shape}, b::Type{<:Shape}) = play(b, a) # Commutativity

# now let's play:
play(Rock, Paper) # "Paper wins"

view source code

less: to see the julia code for a function (in a package): need to ask for a specific method using the function signature, tuple of Types


less(sort, (AbstractArray{Int,1},)) # function name, tuple of argument types
@less sort([7,2,8]) # same result as above

This last line opens the viewer “less” to view the file where the code is defined, for the particular function on the particular types of input. So: type q to quit. Also shows file name & path.

less(sort, (StepRange,)) # StepRange is an AbstractRange
@less sort(10:-1:1)      # same thing

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