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object-oriented programming:

  • define new “types” of objects: classes
  • each object type has its own data attributes and methods.
  • special method: __init__ to create a new object of the class
  • self: name of new object
  • special method: __str__ to convert an object into a string, used to print the object

example: class to code graphs, or trees, made of nodes and edges.

  • Tree class
  • Edge class

the Edge class

Edge class attributes:

  • parent: index for parent node
  • child: index for child node

Copy this to a new file, named

#!/usr/bin/env python

class Edge:
    """Edge class, to contain a directed edge of a tree or directed graph.
    attributes parent and child: index of parent and child node in the graph.

    def __init__ (self, parent, child, length=None):
        """create a new Edge object, linking nodes
        with indices parent and child."""
        print("starting __init__ for new Edge object/instance")
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = child
        self.length = length

    def __str__(self):
        res = "edge from " + str(self.parent) + " to " + str(self.child)
        return res

let’s use it, in a new python session: (if not in same directory, add the file’s path to python’s path: import sys then sys.path.append("path/to/tree/dot/py/file").)

import tree
e1 = tree.Edge(0,1)
e2 = tree.Edge(0,2)
e3 = tree.Edge(2,3)
e4 = tree.Edge(2,4)

the Tree class

Tree class attributes:

  • edge: list of Edge objects
  • methods add_edge() to add an existing edge to the list, new_edge() to create and add a new edge
class Tree:
    """ Tree, described by its list of edges."""
    def __init__(self, edgelist):
        """create a new Tree object from a list of existing Edges"""
        self.edge = edgelist

    def __str__(self):
        res = "parent -> child:"
        for e in self.edge:
            res += "\n" + str(e.parent) + " " + str(e.child)
        return res

    def add_edge(self, ed):
        """add an edge to the tree"""

    def new_edge(self, parent, child):
        """add to the tree a new edge from parent to child (node indices)"""
        self.add_edge( Edge(parent,child) )

after edits to, the class should be reloaded with:

import importlib
tre = tree.Tree([e1,e2])

example to create a tree without creating named edges:

import tree
tre = tree.Tree([])
tre.new_edge(0,1); tre.new_edge(0,2)
tre.new_edge(2,3); tre.new_edge(2,4)


To make our class more useful, let’s add new methods to it:

  • get_dist2root(i) to get the distance from the root to node i
  • to help get these distances: update_node2edge() to create (or update) new attributes:
    • node2edge: dictionary node index -> parent Edge object
    • root: index of node that has no parent edge

add this to your Tree class, and call it each time the tree is modified:

def update_node2edge(self):
      """dictionary child node index -> edge for fast access to edges.
      also add/update root attribute."""
      self.node2edge = {e.child : e for e in self.edge}
      childrenset = set(self.node2edge.keys())
      rootset = set(e.parent for e in self.edge).difference(childrenset)
      if len(rootset) > 1:
          raise Warning("there should be a single root: " + str(rootset))
      if len(rootset) == 0:
          raise Exception("there should be at least one root!")
      self.root = rootset.pop()

we used sets above: like dictionaries, but with keys only: no values. useful:

  • to check if one element is in the set, very fast even for big sets
  • to do set operations: here we got a set difference A \ B: elements in A that are not in B

examples with sets:

a = {1,50,100}
if 60 in a:
   print("60 is in a")
elif 50 in a:
   print("60 not in a, but 50 is in a")
a.union({2,75})  # a is still {1, 50, 100}
a.update({2,75}) # a has changed

back to our tree class, let’s use our method to identify the root and match each non-root node with an edge:

import importlib
tre = tree.Tree([tree.Edge(0,1),tree.Edge(0,2),

class work: write new methods (see example solution here)

  • get_path2root(i) for the list of nodes between the root and i,
  • get_dist2root(i) for the distance between the root and node i,
  • get_MRCA(i,j) to get the most recent common ancestor between nodes i and j
  • get_nodedist(i,j) to get the tree distance between nodes i and j

and use them:



  • class names are capitalized (e.g. Edge, Tree)
  • verbs for methods, nouns for data attributes

many things we might want to add:

  • add edge lengths to the Edge class, use them to get distances in get_nodedist()
  • new attribute for Tree objects to hold leaf names
  • compare 2 trees, to see if they have the same topology: if so, same distances between leaves
  • Node class, pointing to Edges

This example is meant to show how to use classes, not to show the best data structure for trees.

module namespaces

add this at the top of the file, to see which variable is used when a name appears multiple times:

a = 5
class Foo:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = a
class Bar:
    a = 6 # will be object attribute: .a
    b = ["u","v"] # also .b, shared across all Bar objects
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = a

now let’s use these classes:

import tree
tree.b # unknown
a # unknown

foo = tree.Foo()

bar = tree.Bar()

tree.a = 7
foo = tree.Foo()

bar.a = 8
bar.b[0] = "uu"

bar2 = tree.Bar()
bar2.b ## mutable: shared across all Bar objects

conclusion: beware, check your code on very simple examples like this if in doubt.

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