previous & next

jump to:


docstring just before the function (nothing else in between):


calculate x+1
function foo(x)
  return x+1

if statements for tests:

x=5; y=6.2
if x>6 || y>6
  println("x or y is >6")
x<6 && @debug "message to help debug: x is less than 6"
x<6 && @info "checked: x is less than 6"
x>6 || @warn "oops, x not >6, is this normal?"
x>6 || @error "oops, x<=6. error, but not fatal (under standard logging level)"
x>6 || error("x is not greater than 6: can't continue")

function test(x,y)
  if x  y # type \approx then TAB. Same as isapprox(x,y).
    relation = "(approx) equal to"
  elseif x < y
    relation = "less than"
    relation = "greater than"
  println(x, " is ", relation, " ", y, ".")
1.1+0.1 == 1.2
test(1.1+0.1, 1.2)

isxbig = x>3 ? "yes" : "no"   # ternary expression: very short if/else
isxbig = (x>3 ? "yes" : "no") # same
isxbig = x>3 # don't do (test ? true : false)

flow control with loops:

for i in 1:10^9 # this a Range object: very small
  if i<3
  # above, same as: i<3 && continue
  println("\t2i=", 2i) # * not needed between 2 and i
  i<6 || break
i # not defined

related to logging macros @debug etc., @show: very useful to debug scripts

a = [0 18 0 0; 0 0 0 18]
@show a;

scope of variable names

example above: i was local to the for loop, so undefined after we exited the loop.

while true
  n = 1
  @show n
n # undefined: was local to `while`, unknown outside
for n in 1:2
  newvar = n
  @show n
n      # undefined: was inside `for` only
newvar # undefined

n=0 # in REPL: n is in our main's global scope
while n<nmax
  print("n=",n,"\r") # \r to "return carriage" only: re-write on same line
  n += 1 # n, from the outside scope, can be modified inside loop
n # 10000
  • global scope: main session (REPL) or module
  • local scope: inside functions, list comprehension for, while, try/catch/finally, type definitions
  • if statements: no new scope

local scopes cannot modify a variable in a global scope
unless explicitly said to do so with global: but this bad practice – don’t do it! example below.

n = 10_000
function foo(n)   # "n" binds to new local variable
  function bar(x) # bar has access to `n` from foo, outside of bar
    n += x        # and can even modify it
  @show @isdefined x # x undefined outside of `bar`
  y = 3
  @show n
  return nothing
n # global variable: old value 10_000
y # undefined: was inside `foo`

function foo(n)
  # "n" binds to new local variable
  function bar(x)
    global n += x # will modify global "n", not "n" local to `foo`
    @show n
  @show n
  bar(5) # shows value of global n
  @show n
  return nothing
foo(200) # n = 200 before bar, n = 10005 during bar, n = 200 after bar
n # 10005: modified by bar, not by foo directly

conclusion: don’t use global variables within functions.

tricky: for i in xxx creates a new local binding for i,
but an assignment i=value doesn’t always

for j in 1:3 # j local to loop: because binding defined by comprehension
  @show j
j # 50

for u in 1:3 # u local
  j=u        # j from outside of loop this time: because assigned a value
  @show j
j # 3

list comprehension

same as in Python, except for last example below: we can build a matrix

i = 50
paramvalues = [10.0^i for i in -3:2] # new local scope for i
i # still 50: phew!
[v^2 for v in paramvalues if v >= 0.1]
h = Dict("xtolrel"=>0.01, "xtolabs"=>0.001, "Nfail"=>50)
[h[k]*2 for k in keys(h)]
[a * 10.0^i for i in -3:2 for a in [1,2]] # 1-dim
[a * 10.0^i for i in -3:2,    a in [1,2]] # 2-dim

type stability

  • a variable keeps the same type throughout
  • a function returns an output with the same type for all input of a given type

crucial to make your code fast: compilation can be more efficient. example from here:

function sumofsins1(n::Integer)
    r = 0
    for i in 1:n
        r += sin(3.4)
    return r

version 2 with r initialized at 0.0:

function sumofsins2(n::Integer)
    r = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        r += sin(3.4)
    return r

let’s use these functions, check output type:


and compare their running time:

@time sumofsins1(10);
@time sumofsins2(10);

using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark sumofsins1(10) # mean time: 12.332 ns
@benchmark sumofsins2(10) # mean time:  1.755 ns

such an easy fix to make the function 7 times faster: just initialize r=0.0 instead of r=0 here!!
Julia has tools to diagnose type instability problems:

@code_warntype sumofsins1(3)
@code_warntype sumofsins2(3)

using files

open with “w”rite permission:

f = open("newfile.txt", "w") # f = stream, or file handle
write(f, "hello\n")

typeof(f)       # IOStream
isa(f, IO)      # true. IO for Input - Output
isa(stdout, IO) # true
write(stdout, "hello\n"); # writes to stdout. return the number of bytes written

better: use do block to close the file even if an error occurred with what you do with it (similar to with open() as in Python):

open("newfile.txt", "a") do g # "a" to append
  write(g, "world!\n")
typeof(g) # g undefined

look at our new file, in shell mode:

shell> cat newfile.txt

(More generally, do blocks provide a way to define a complex anonymous function with the usual nice syntax, and pass this anonymous function as argument to another function. Here our anonymous function writes “world!\n”, and is passed to open(function, file_name, arguments...))

tools to read a file (from file handle/stream f):

  • readlines(f) creates a full array
  • eachline(f) iterates over lines
  • read(f) to read a single character
open("newfile.txt") do f # open for reading by default
  for line in eachline(f)
    line = strip(line) # strips "line" from spaces on both ends
    m = match(r"([lw]+)o", line) # regular expression: see below
    if m !== nothing
      print(m.match, ": ", m.captures[1],"\n")

regular expressions

used above: r"([lw]+)o" of type Regex (unlike in python)
main functions: occursin, match, replace

m = match(r"([lw]+)o", "Hello world") # first match only, if any
m.match    # what matched: llo
m.captures # what was captured in between parentheses: ll
m = match(r"([lw]+)o", "Ho")
m === nothing # no match
occursin( r"([lw]+)o", "Hello world") # true or false
m = match(r"([lw]+)o", "Hello world", 7)  # start search at index 7
m = match(r"([lw]+)o"i, "HelLo world", )  # case Insensitive
m = match(r"([lw]+)[lo]",  "Hello world") # greedy:     llo
m = match(r"([lw]+?)[lo]", "Hello world") # non-greedy: ll

to search for all matches:

for m in eachmatch(r"([lw]+)([lo])", "Hello world")
  @show m
  @show m.captures # what was captured in between ()
  @show m.offsets  # where each captured thing starts

if we only want to know the number of matches and where they start:

[m.offset for m in eachmatch(r"[lw]+[lo]", "Hello world")]

to search & replace:

replace("I love python", "python" => "julia")
replace("Hello world", r"([lw]+)([lo])" => s"\2\1" )
typeof(s"\2\1") # SubstitutionString{String}

to inspect an object of unfamiliar type:

dump(m) # could be too much, or too cryptic

running external programs

backticks, and functions run, read and pipeline:

a = `date +%B`
typeof(a)  # Cmd
m = run(a) # does not capture output
m          # Process
m = read(a) # captures output as an array of bytes. byte 0x4e is 0100 1110
run(`ps -u ane | grep julia`)             # error: | illegal
run(pipeline(`ps -u ane`, `grep julia`)); # pipe by julia. output not captured
run(pipeline(`ps -u ane`, `grep julia`, "outfile"));

check with cat outfile in shell mode

to redirect the stdout and stderr streams separately, we need to combine all commands together:

run(pipeline(pipeline(`ps -u ane`, `grep julia`),
             stdout="outfile", stderr="errfile"));

check with cat outfile and cat errfile in shell mode

to call a Julia script from the shell: ArgParse package to pass command-line arguments to the script. usage/behavior similar to the argparse Python module.

how to be more efficient

whenever possible: re-use memory. why?

  • decrease memory usage and
  • reduce running time, by reducing garbage collection time (“gc time” below):

note the difference beween a = ... and a[:]=... or a .= ...

a = Int8[0 18 0 0; 0 0 0 18]
b = a
a = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8]
b # has not changed: new memory was allocated for "a" above
b = a
a[:] = [0 0 0 0; 2 2 2 2]
b # b has changed: memory for "a" was reused above
a .+= 1
b # b has changed: .+= re-uses memory
a .= [10 20 30 40; 50 60 70 80]
b # b has changed: .= re-used memory (vectorized = assignment, term by term)

.+= and .= reuse memory for a despite not using a[:] because vectorized operation

@view: to access memory without copying values

@view a[:,3] # 3 columns, same memory as in a: values are NOT copied
fill!(view(a, :, 3), 0)
b # both a and b have changed: the view used the original memory

map!, map

map(x->2x, a)
a # no change
map!(x->2x, a, a)
a # was modified in-place
b = Array{Int64}(undef,3,4) # too big for a
map!(x->2x, b, a)
b # sub-matrix was modified in-place
a # intact

use “bang” functions whenever possible & appropriate. example:

function foo(n)
  a = rand(n)
  b = sort(a)
  c = reverse(b)
  d = round.(c, digits=2)
  e = unique(d) # 5 separate arrays total. only the last one is returned
  return e
function foo!(n)
  a = rand(n)
  map!(x -> round(x, digits=2), a, a)
  unique!(a) # the same memory slots are used 5 times
  return a
using Random
Random.seed!(1234); res1 = foo( 5)
Random.seed!(1234); res2 = foo!(5)
res1 ==  res2  # true: these 2 vectors have the same values
res1 === res2 # false: these 2 vectors don't "point" to the same address

@time foo( 1000); # 0.000072 seconds (21 allocations: 37.828 KiB)
@time foo!(1000); # 0.000058 seconds (1 allocation: 7.938 KiB) # about 5 times less memory used
using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark foo( 1000) # mean time: 55.573 μs (7.77% GC)
@benchmark foo!(1000) # mean time: 45.190 μs (1.16% GC)

note the lower time spent “garbage collecting” (GC) and the lower memory usage (fewer KiB) by foo!.

finding things

findall, findfirst, findnext, findmax!, findlast

b = [false,true,false,true,true]
findall(b)   # vector of indices
findfirst(b) # index or `nothing`
b = zeros(Bool,5)
findall(b)   # found nothing: vector of length 0
c = findfirst(b) # found `nothing`

works on 2d or bigger arrays too, and to find other things than true values:

a = [20 40 0 80; 100 120 0 160]
findall(!iszero, a)
findall(x -> x==20, a)  # anonymous function x -> ...
findall(isequal(20), a) # same
findall(y -> y==4, a)   # 4 not found: empty vector
findfirst(iszero, a)
c = findfirst(x -> x==4, a)
c === nothing

previous & next