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break and continue

extremely useful! break to break out of a loop:

while True:
  i += 1
  print("code for i =",i,"here")
  if i >= 4:
i # 4

continue to directly continue to the next iteration of the loop, bypassing all remaining code for the current iteration:

for i in range(0,10000):
  if i==3 or i >= 5:
  print("code here not bypassed, i =", i)
i # 9999

also: pass to do nothing, useful for new not-ready code: a function must have at least 1 line.

working with files


  • seeking information in files on the disk (or hard drive) is very slow.
    disk = long-term memory. slow to access
  • RAM = random access memory. short-term memory, but way faster to access: temporary storage of data between the disk and the CPU
  • CPU ↔ RAM ↔ disk
  • read this to learn much much more, very well explained (using Julia to benchmark speed for illustrating concepts)

access files from python:

  • disk file vs. file object (file handle)
  • 3 modes to open a file: r, w, a (append)
fh = open("newfile", 'w') # creates file handle
    fh.write("hello world\n") # problem if disk quota full, etc.
    fh.close() # need to close to clean up, even if problems earlier

equivalent to:

with open("newfile", 'w') as fh:
    fh.write("hello world\n")

# fh is closed now

methods for file handles: .write(), .writelines(),
read(), .readline(), .readlines()

example: read fasta protein files from bds data (chapter 3)

  • treat sequence names differently (lines starting with “>”)
  • concatenate lines that are for the same sequence
  • output file with protein from all fasta files, with new format: 1 sequence = 1 line, with species name preceding the sequence itself
with open("tb1-protein.fasta","r") as fh:
  for line in fh:
    print("line=", line, sep="", end="")

equivalent to:

with open("tb1-protein.fasta","r") as fh:
  linelist = fh.readlines()
  for line in linelist:
    print("line=", line, sep="", end="")

with open("tb1-protein.fasta","r") as fh:
  line = fh.readline() # header line only
  print("line=", line, sep="", end="")
  dna = ""
  while line: # will be false at the end of file: ''
    line = fh.readline()
    print("line=", line, sep="", end="")
    dna += line.strip()

print("dna=", dna, sep="", end="")

let’s do what we need now:

def reformat_onefile(fin, fout):
  """assumes fin not open, fout already open for writing."""
  with open(fin,"r") as fh:
    for line in fh:
      line = line.strip()
      if not line:
        continue # skip the rest if empty line
      if line.startswith(">"): # header line
        fout.write("\n") # after header
      else:              # dna sequence line
  fout.write("\n") # after end of full sequence

import sys
reformat_onefile("tb1-protein.fasta", sys.stdout) # check function

import glob
filenames = glob.glob("*-protein.fasta")
with open("all1linesequences.fasta", "w") as outfile:
  for fname in filenames:
    print("next: will reformat",fname)
    reformat_onefile(fname, outfile)

note: sys.stdout is a file handle open for writing :)

file manipulations

  • in module os: listdir, mkdir, makedirs, rename, remove, rmdir, chdir, path.exists, path.isdir, path.isfile
  • in module shutil: copy, copytree, rmtree
import os
os.path.realpath("data/dna") # absolute path
shutil.copy("../lizard/cten_16s.fasta?sequence=1", "data/dna/cten_16s.fa")
shutil.copy("../lizard/cten_16s.fasta?sequence=1", "data/dna")

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