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on the software carpentry do the “finding things” section, except for “tracking a species” (we will come back to shell scripts and more shell tools later).

quotes with shell commands

Note about no quotes, double quotes and single quotes, to control how much the shell should expand/interpret:

$ cd softwarecarpentry-data-shell/writing/
$ echo *.txt
$ echo "*.txt"
$ echo "*.txt and this is my shell: $SHELL"
*.txt and this is my shell: /bin/bash
$ echo '*.txt and this is my shell: $SHELL'
*.txt and this is my shell: $SHELL

This distinction between " and ' is used in other programming languages (e.g. Julia).

finding things

  • find to find files: whose names match simple patterns

  • grep to find things in (text) files: select lines that match simple patterns

  • do a command substitution with $() to pass the list of files found to another command, like grep or wc: grep xxx $(find yyy)

examples, from the “writing” directory in the software carpentry data folder:

grep "and" haiku.txt                   # to search within a file
echo "orchestra and band" | grep "and" # to search within a string, not a file
grep -w "and" *
find . -type d
find data -name "*e*.txt"

Some options for grep:
-n for line numbers
-i for case-insensitive search
-w for word (surrounded by word “boundaries” like spaces)
-v to invert the search
-o to get the match only
-E to use Extended (not basic) regular expressions, -P for Perl-like regular expressions (GNU only)

exercise: find the option to get the matched pattern to be colorized.

Some options for find:
-type with d or f for directory / file
-name with a shell pattern (say '*.pdf')
-d for depth (e.g. -d 1 or -d +1 or -d -1)
-mtime for modified time

argument versus input content: xargs

after pipe: to tell that the standard output of the first command should serve as argument(s) to the next command, not as standard input

examples using a pipe and xargs (try from the “writing” directory in the software carpentry data folder)

ls *.txt       # shows haiku.txt
ls *.txt | cat # shows haiku.txt instead of showing the content of haiku.txt
ls *.txt | xargs cat # show the content of the file instead of the filename
find . -name '*.txt' | wc -l # does not work: indicates 4 lines
find . -name '*.txt' | xargs wc -l # xargs runs "wc -l xxx" where xxx = input (from find) as arguments to wc
find . -name '*.txt' | xargs -n 1 wc -l # to analyze each file with wc one at a time, parallelized
wc -l $(find . -name '*.txt')

last line: command substitution $() instead of a pipe (and xargs)

GNU vs BSD command-line tools

Mac users: you have BSD tools (do man grep for instance and look at the title, to check, or do grep --version). They differ slightly from the GNU tools, which are generally better. Install the GNU tools with homebrew:

brew install coreutils # basic tools like ls, cat, head, tail etc.
brew install grep      # to get GNU grep, not included in basic tools
brew install gnu-sed   # to get GNU sed, also not included in basic

then use gcat instead of cat, ggrep instead of grep etc. type ggrep --version to check.

regular expressions: “regexp”

We need lots of practice on this! For help: man re_format, get an explanation of your expression (and debug it) on regexp101 or debuggex,
and a nice cheatsheet

. any one character
^ beginning of line (only if placed first)
$ end of line (only if placed last)
\ turns off special meaning of next symbol
[aBc] anything in: a or B or c. Ranges: like [0-9], [a-z], [a-zA-Z]
[^aBc] anything but: a, B, c
\w any word character: letter, number, or “_”. also [[:alnum:]_]. opposite: \W
\d any single digit. also [[:digit:]] or [0-9]. opposite: \D
\s any white space character: single space, \t (tab), \n (line feed) or \r (carriage return: see below). also [[:space:]]. opposite: \S
\b word boundary (null string). also \< and \> for start/end boundaries. opposite: \B
+ one or more of the previous
? zero or one of the previous
* zero or more of the previous
{4} 4 of the previous
{4,6} between 4 and 6 of the previous
{4,} 4 or more of the previous

more practice with grep

To get more practice, we will use data from the “Bioinformatics Data Skills” book by Vince Buffalo. We will use these data for other purposes later in the course. Firt navigate to a place where you want to store the data. Make sure you are not in any git repository. For this, type git status, and make sure you get the following message:

$ git status
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Then you can download the data extremely easily with git: just type

git clone

Exercise: use grep to find whether and where the file tb1.fasta (see below) has non-nucleotide characters. Nucleotides are ACGT or their lower-case versions, acgt. The first line is a header.

$ cd bds-files/chapter-03-remedial-unix/
$ cat tb1.fasta
>gi|385663969|gb|JQ900508.1| Zea mays subsp. mexicana isolate IS9 teosinte branched 1 (tb1) gene, complete cds

Hint: first exclude non-nucleotide lines, then (pipe) find lines with anything other than A, C, G or T (and other than a, c, g, t).

Explanation of output: Y means pYrimidine: either C or T. Y is used to denote uncertainty, here, about the exact base.

beginning/end of lines, and escaping special characters: try these below.

echo abc a g ef$ g
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color 'a'    # 2 matches
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color '^a'   # 1 match only: first one
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color 'g'    # 2 matches
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color 'g$'   # 1 match
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color 'f$'   # no match
echo abc a g ef$ g | grep --color 'f\$'  # match. mind the single quotes.
echo ^abc a g ef$ g | grep --color '$ '  # match
echo ^abc a g ef$ g | grep --color '^a'  # no match
echo ^abc a g ef$ g | grep --color '\^a' # match. ^ had to be escaped to mean a real ^
echo ^abc a g ef$ g | grep --color '^^a' # match. No need to escape the second ^, because when it's not first, it cannot mean the start of the line!

What would grep '^$' filename do?
How to match lines with white spaces only?

dot, words, digits:

cd classroom-repos/hw1/
cat out/timetest9_snaq.out
grep "Elapsed time" out/timetest9_snaq.out #  Elapsed time: 34831.465925074 seconds in 10 successful runs
grep -o "Elapsed time." out/timetest9_snaq.out # . matches any one character
grep -o "Elapsed time. \d+" out/timetest9_snaq.out # no match: need Extended regexp
grep -oE "Elapsed time. \d+" out/timetest9_snaq.out # \d = digit, +: one or more
grep -oE "Elapsed time. \d+\.\d" out/timetest9_snaq.out # need to escape the dot to match "."
  • with GNU grep (Linux), replace option E by P above: \d is Perl syntax
  • document your code: say which platform was used (GNU versus BSD)
  • or avoid Perl-like patterns: e.g. avoid \d and use [0-9] instead. The following works with both GNU and BSD grep:
grep -oE "Elapsed time. [0-9]+\.[0-9]" out/timetest9_snaq.out


write a one-liner to count the number of “Subsets” whose “Best Model” is GTR+G in this file: partitionfinder_bestscheme.txt

more practice with find

find and delete annoying hidden files.
example: Mac creates .DS_Store files and hides them very well, but annoying with git.
let’s do it step by step, to see the process of building a safe one-liner:

find ~ -name ".DS_Store" # to see all files named ".DS_Store" in my home directory. Do ^C if there are too many.
find ~ -name ".DS_Store" | wc -l # just count how many
find ~ -name ".DS_Store" -d 2 | wc -l # depth 2 only
find ~ -name ".DS_Store" -d 2 # view them all if there is a small number of them
find ~ -name ".DS_Store" -d 2 | xargs rm # check that it works
find ~ -name ".DS_Store" | xargs rm # delete all of them (beyond depth 2)
find / -name ".DS_Store" | wc # more ambitious: starting from the root
sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -d 2 | wc # need super-user permission to list files near the root
sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" | xargs rm

above: fails on files that contain spaces…
alternative that works if file / directory names contain spaces: use the -exec option of find to execute a command on each file that was found

sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \;

new lines

Windows: \r\n also denoted as CR-LF or CRLF (carriage return - line feed).
Mac and Linux: \n only, or LF.

Use an editor that shows you the type of line endings!! So many weird errors are caused by line endings. These errors tend to be incomprehensible cryptic errors that make no sense, because line endinds are typically invisible. We don’t “see” what’s going on. But text editors can tell you. In VSCode: near the bottom right corner.

for i in 1:ngenes
  sleep(0.5) # as if we did something complicated for the data from gene i
  result = rand()
  print("summary for ",i,": $result\n")   # \n = new line on Mac or Linux systems
  # println("summary for ",i,": $result") # println alternative: adapts to operating system
# same, but screen won't be cluttered
for i in 1:ngenes
  sleep(0.5) # as if we did something complicated for the data from gene i
  result = rand()
  print("summary for ",i,": $result\r") # \r to "return carriage" only: re-write on same line

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