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the Unix shell

Go to software carpentry introduction and do

  • setup to download the data and open a terminal

After you do the setup and have a terminal open, type echo $SHELL. You may see this:

$ echo $SHELL

or you may get this:

% echo $SHELL

The terminal is the “window” (more or less), while the shell is a program (or a programming language, like R and Python are). There are several shell programs, bash (and zsh) being the most common. They are almost equivalent.

bash for “Bourne-Again SHell”, pun on the name of the developer of the original Unix shell, Stephen Bourne.

Then do:


  • directory structure, root is /
  • relative versus absolute paths
    • in your code and projects: use relative paths as much as possible: it makes your code more portable, for others, and for yourself if you re-locate your own project folder
  • shortcuts: ., .., ~, -
    • cd - is so useful!
  • tab completion to get program and file names
  • up/down arrows and ! to repeat commands
whoami who am I? to get your username
pwd print working directory. where am I?
ls list. many options, e.g. -a (all) -l (long) -lrt (reverse-sorted by time)
cd change directory
mkdir make directory
rm remove (forever). -f to force, -i to ask interactively, -r recursively
rmdir remove (delete) directory, if empty
mv move (and rename). can overwrite existing files, unless -i to ask
cp copy. would also overwrite existing files
touch create blank file, or modify time stamp of existing file
diff difference
wc word count: lines, words, characters. -l, -w, -c
cat concatenate
less because “less is more”. q to quit.
sort -n for numerical sorting
head first 10 lines. -n 3 for first 3 lines (etc.)
tail last 10 lines. -n 3 for last 3 lines, -n +30 for line 30 and up
uniq filters out repeated lines (consecutive). -c to get counts
cut cut and return column(s). -d, to set the comma as field delimiter (tab otherwise), -f2 to get 2nd field (column)
echo print
history shows the history of all previous commands, numbered
! !76 to re-execute command number 76 in the history, !$ for last word or last command

file names

so important: no spaces! example:

  • create a directory ‘raw sequences’ in data, using a GUI (e.g. Finder)
  • try to remove it from the command line:
cd data
rm -rf raw sequences

lucky for us: raw or sequences didn’t exist (chainsaw…)
how can we remove this directory?

  • prefer lower-case letters, especially for the first letter of a file name: time saver, along with tab completion

  • common usage: capitalize between words, or underscores, or -, like wheatSequenceAlignments (camel case style) or wheat_sequence_alignments (snake case style).

  • use ASCII characters only, no space (did I mention this already?), no /, no \ (for Windows), no - for the first character.

  • R users: avoid dots. conventionally used for the file extension.

Great presentation by Jenny Bryan

  • choose file names to ease automation, using shell expansion

  • use leading zeros: file-0021.txt rather than file-21.txt. lexicographic sorting files (like with ls) would otherwise place file-1390.txt before file-21.txt.

  • file extensions:

    • not needed by the computer. for humans only.
    • explicit is better than implicit for humans. ex: rice_genes.fasta versus rice_genes
    • used by the computer occasionally: to pick the ‘default’ app to open a file (e.g. open xxx.pdf or xdg-open xxx.pdf); to color parts of text by a text editor; etc.

typing skills

  • had keyboarding classes in elementary school?
  • it’s like talking or walking: it’s assumed.
  • take a test
  • invest in your typing skills! it will save you time and stress.
    allow yourself two weeks to be slow.

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